Love vs Lust

    People are confused between love and lust. Love begins when two souls meet and can touch each other. Lust begins when two feelings meet and can touch each other. I say feeling because it always changes except the soul. See, sometimes you are aggressive, sometimes you are calm, sometimes you are happy, sometimes you are unhappy, sometimes you feel good, sometimes you feel bad and sometimes you desire sex, but sometimes you don't desire sex. Yes, sex is lust. After you satisfy your lust, you feel nothing – you've already reached the pressure, but it will be back next time. Souls never ever change even you are older and older or whatever happened to you. For instance, when you have a conflict with your boo, you are very angry or furious – this is your mood, but your soul doesn't feel this way. I mean you still love your boo. You've ever experienced it, haven't you? Another example, if your boyfriend/girlfriend lost beauty, will you still love him or her? If you love him or her by soul, of cause, you will, like your parents still love you even they strike you. People tend to use lust to find love. As a teenager and early adult, you might attract to other people, but this is not a love, it is a lust instead. Your hormones are changed in biology. Have you ever wondered why some people cheat on each other? Because they don't recognise what is love and what is lust. Love is not a sexual attraction but it is a soul attraction. It's normal because our soul is inside our body. That's why we cannot easily feel or touch it even ours. However, lust is a dark side of love; therefore, sometimes love need lust. Most people tend to stay single because they need to know their soul. If we haven't touched and known our soul yet, how can we touch and know another soul – soulmate. If I say in spirituality, this body is not ours except the soul. When the time comes, we will lose this body. Lust is inside the body. Love is inside the soul.
