The Dragon Hunter (Chapter 1)


Warning: Sex

    Once upon a time, there was a handsome man who lived in a small house in the forest with his beautiful wife. They lived happily together, but this happiness wasn't enough for them because they didn't have any kids. 

    "My husband," Tina said while she was sleeping on her husband's chest. "Why don't you look happy? Do you have any concerns?"

    "No, I don't." Jack replied. "I just feel incomplete."

    "Our family?"

    "Yes, our family has not been whole yet. I want a kid. Can you give me a son?"

    "Oh, my love. It depends on you."

    "I know, but how can I do without your permissions? That's my rule."

    Tina rose from her husband's chest, and she sit on top of Jack facing him. She said, "I am yours, and I gave you all permissions since we had married." then she kissed his lips, and undressed her clothes. Jack was full of sexual desire, for he saw the whole naked body of his wife for the first time. He lost control of his lust. At that night, Jack made love to his wife.

    A few month ago, Tina was pregnant, and their child was a boy. They are really excited. Tina wanted to help her husband house chores like before, but Jack said, "My wife, you don't have to do chores."

    Tina replied quickly, "But I..."

    "Please!" Jack begged  "You have to take care of yourself and our baby."

    "I am, my husband." she said smiley. "Our child, he will become a good strong man like his father." Tina was walking in to the house, and her husband was doing works.

    Tina had the worst dream when she was sleeping. She dreamed of that her husband, Jack, was killed by the dragon. Tina woke up quickly with the heavily breathe. 

    "Jack, Jack." She ran out of the house to her husband with tears.

    Jack hugged and kissed her. "Honey. Are you all right? Why are you crying?"

    "I had had a horrible dream." she cried. "The dragon killed you in front of my eyes. I am afraid to lose you someday."

    "Hey, calm down. It's just a dream. It will never happen. Look! I'm fine. Everything is fine. I'm staying here with you. I am yours, and you are mine, so don't worry that someone or something will take me from you, my love. If you let small things control yourself, how can we live? And our unborn child, how can he become a strong man?" Tina stopped crying, but she still has anxiety.

    One day, Jack went out to hunt the animals for their lunch. The forest is large, and there were many animals including fruits, so he could find food easily because he exactly knew that place. An hour later, there was a big dragon flew on the sky that made he was extremely afraid. He knew that the dragon might destroy his house by fire because when the dragon saw the house or the village, it will burn everything.

    "Dragon." he thought. "It's flying to this direction. No, my house, my family. Tina!"

    Suddenly, he dropped all his belongings and ran quickly back to the village. In front of his eyes unfolded the blazing red fire burned down everything into ashes. Despite the danger, Jack crossed through the fire and shouted for his wife. There he saw the lifeless body of his wife, burned beyond recognition. 

    He wept and shouted furiously. "No!".

After the dragon burnt everything of his, it flew away. He went to hug his wife's corpse body, and wept. He said furiously. "You took everything from me. You burnt my wife, my unborn child, and my house. Blood must be blood. The fucking dragon will be killed by my hand."

Don't forget to listen to this sound.
