Sunday 09 September 2018

The day that the National Exam (BaccII) results were announced. I didn't go to see the results at the Exam Center ( Pochentong Secondary School ) with my friends. It may be a bad day for me because before Exam Results were announced, my bicycle was stolen by a thief. So, I stay at home waiting Exam Results was announced through the Facebook Page of MoEYS.

 Sorry for myself😥😞😔 I failed the Exam. I see that most of the students who failed the Exam are always Depression, Unhappy or sometimes they don't want to do anything else. For me, when I failed the Exam, my feeling is normal, not Depression😃😃 because, before results were announced I'm ready to accept these results. At this time, MoEYS found the mistake that is MoEYS didn't add the points of  Maths.
