Brief Encounter (short story)

    Yesterday, I went to a bookstore for buying a new book. I always went to that place once a week, but it was not really that I bought a book. While I sought the books, I saw a girl – a beautiful girl. I've met a lot of girls but her. She made me feel, you know, unusual, very special, like, I didn't know how to express my feelings because it was very deep down. I felt happy when I saw her smile. I tried to walk toward her, and suddenly, I faced her eyes accidentally. We stared together briefly, and she smiled at me. Oh my god!

    'Hello!' she said.

    'Hello!' I said to her with nervousness.

    'You gonna find a book on this shelf, don't you?' She asked me. Her voice caught my heart.

    'Oh...err no, thank you. I...I...j...just –.'

    'Well, I got you.' She cut my word. I thought that perhaps she has already known my feelings right now.

    'Do you come here alone?' She asked me while she was seeking a book. 'Or with the others?'

    'No, I come alone. It's the way of my life, actually.'

    'Oh my god! I've thought that you come with your girlfriend, and you're trying to cheat on her by flirting with me.'

    'W...What?' I was very shocked when she told me this. 'No, it...' I don't know what to say.

    'Look at your face', she laughed softly at me.

    'Why are laughing?'

    'You look very innocent. Sorry. I'm kidding. Just don't mind.'

    'Oh, Jesus. Don't pull my leg about this.'

    'Why not? Are you scared of love or being in a relationship?'

   'Why should I be scared? I just feel, you know, uncomfortable when someone talks about love or a relationship between two people.'

    'You are quite strange.'

  'Maybe, but with–', I wanted to say 'but with you, it's not the same.', but something tried to close my mouth not to speak it out.

    'With what?' She asked with a curious face.


    We stopped talking for a second. She was finding the book that she wanted to buy, and I was still watching her. She looked happy and so did I by seeing her.

    'I've found it', she said.

    'Good to hear that', I asked. 'What the title?'

    '''The King: Blood War'' by Sokhieng Tim. What about you?'

    'I buy nothing. I have many TBR, and I come here just to relax.'

    She looked at me for not talking. I had no idea what she thinks about me. Then, we walked forward to the cashier. After payment, we walked out of the bookstore.

    'Oh, I want to gift you something', she said.

    'What is it?' I talked with surprise.

    She pulled something from her bag.

    'It's just a book', she handed me. 'I don't have friends who like reading books but you. I've just met you, but I feel we are friends.'

    'Thank you–'

    'Sorry, I've got to go now. Goodbye. Hope to see you next time.'

    I haven't finished my words yet, but she walked away fastly. I was staring at her until she disappeared. She said we were friends, but I thought we should be more than friends. I looked at the book that she had gifted me. It was the old one and hardcover. I started pre-open it, and I saw the title 'Brief Encounter: a novel'.
