Pornography should be banned from the Internet

    Pornography has started pandemic throughout the world since the Internet era had begun, and it has become one of the biggest industries in history. Even it can entertain people with free access, pornography should be banned from the Internet for a few reasons. The first reason, pornography can affect the way that young people think about sex. As we know, pornography is fake sex, and it contains too much violent and unsafe sex. Furthermore, pornography can influence what a young person expects their partner to do and shape sexual practices. Research from the Australian Institute of Family Studies found that young people might try to perform some sexual acts seen in pornography such as facial ejaculation, sex with multiple partners, anal intercourse and deep fellatio. Another reason is it can cause a view to the woman. Men who watch pornography habitually are most probably view a woman as a sex object. Aside from this, insecurity is also one of the reasons. Men who view pornography always feel insecure about the size of their penis and concerned about their performance on bed – they are worried that they cannot be last longer and cannot pleasure their partner like pornography. At that moment, their relationship might be destroyed. All these reasons should be enough to support ban pornography from the Internet but to make it obvious, I will provide you with other reasons. When you are watching pornography, your brain starts releasing dopamine that makes you feel good, but this dopamine might be released unnaturally. The NeuroScience News said, ‘Porn scenes, like addictive substances, are hyper-stimulating triggers that lead to unnaturally high levels of dopamine secretion. This can damage the dopamine reward system and leave it unresponsive to natural sources of pleasure.’ Since you satisfy yourself with pornography, next time your dopamine will always cause you to seek adult video for pleasure rather than having real sex or doing other useful activities. In this case, it means you are addicted to pornography, for the reason that your reward system in your brain as well as other parts of your brain are full of pornography. On the other hand, pornography can be useful for people who have erectile dysfunction and low libido. Besides, it also helps people reduce stress, reduce sexual tension, be more open-minded about sex, increase sexual knowledge and improve attitude about sex. One study from the Archives of Sexual Behaviour has shown that people who view pornography together with their partner reported a higher quality relationship with better communication and sexual satisfaction. However, there are other illegal activities as well which stay behind pornography that we do not think about such as sex trafficking or human trafficking, sexual coercion and child sexual abuse. That’s why I believe that banning pornography from the Internet has the positive than the negative.
