Live your own dharma

Last two years ago, I compared myself to others. I myself always did it when I go out, and walk around other guys who look better than me, or look cool than me, especially they look more handsome than me. I felt insecure, uncomfortable and unconfident every times I saw someone who had gotten what I always want to be. According to Oxford dictionary, the word envy means the feeling of wanting to be in the same situation as somebody else or the feeling of wanting something that somebody else has. So it means I had envy to someone else, and of course, because envy had come from comparison. I asked myself a question after I had felt it, why did I feel like this? I never felt it before, and this feeling happened when I had started do the home workout. I tried to find the book that talks about this, and finally I found it. Both comparison and envy are the terms that I had lacked of self-esteem. I did not live in my own worth, even though I have known what my values are. I did not appreciate nor like my own appearance, behaviours, beliefs and everything I have. I did not be myself instead of be someone else. Comparing to another is an insult to who I am. Why I have to compare? I should have to compare myself today to myself yesterday. I should be better than yesterday. My goal today is to be better than I was yesterday. I should live with my own dharma, not other. This is my true story about comparison. In case do not compare, be yourself, and live with your dharma. It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else’s life with perfection. -Bhagavad Gita 3.35.
