The Dragon Hunter (Chapter 2)


Warning: Profanity and Violence.

    After his wife had been died, he was walking alone along the way in the forest to find the dragon and kill it. Jack became a bachelor, for he had no wife and child. The sun was setting, and immediately Jack quickly noticed an ancient stone temple, then he walked toward it to get some rest. He was woken up by a strange sound when he was sleeping.
    "What is that sound?" he said quietly.
    He went and looked for the source of that sound. The sound was so magical and powerful. There he saw a radiating light and something it in.
    "A sword," he said.
    The sword was standing on the stone with the silver light. It looked very marvellous and very powerful. Jack has never seen a sword like this before. He walked toward the sword and held it. It's extremely hard to pull it out of the stone. He tried his best and used all power that he has to put the sword out. Finally, he got it, but he was chucked away by the energy that stocked within the sword. The energy crashed the temple and shook all the stones. Jack ran out when the stones collapsed to make him safe. When he got out of the temple, an animal appeared, but it's not a simple animal.
    "Fuck! a monster," he said surprisingly. 
   This monster called Amarok or a giant wolf. Amarok attacked him, but Jack quickly held his sword to protect himself. The giant wolf was awfully strong, so it was difficult for Jack to kill it. Both Amarok and Jack were fighting for a long minute. Because jack had a powerful sword, he could kill a giant wolf finally. The head of a monster was cut down, and the red blood also poured out of the neck of that monster. Jack brought the head of Amarok with him, and he went on to find a dragon. He was convinced that there was a village not far from this.

    A few hours later, Jack arrived at a village. The guards of the village were shocked when they had seen the head of a giant wolf. There were a lot of people, and this village was extremely noisy. The people in the village put their eyes on him when Jack had walked into it. They acted like there was something unusual. At that time, there was an old man walked toward him.
    "How did you get it?" an old man asked.
    "Got what?" Jack replied.
    "I mean how did you get the head of Amarok, the monster?"
    "This?" Jack pointed to the head. "I killed it."
    "What?" an old man said unbelievably. 'You killed it? No, it's impossible."
    "But I already did."
    "Sorry." Jack said speedily "I need some drink."
    Jack walked away from the old man and went to the inn near there.
    "Could I have some alcohol, please?" he said to a woman who is an innkeeper.
    "Are you a monster killer?" she asked.
    "Oh, here it is," the innkeeper said smiley. "It's free for the monster killer."
    "Thank you," Jack said, then he drank a drink. "Wow, it's better than sex. Would you mind if I'd like another one, please?"
    "Sure," the innkeeper said. "But it's the last one for you, no more."
    "Thanks once again."
    The innkeeper brought him a drink and asked, "What's your name, monster killer?"
    "My name is Jack."
    "Good name."
    "Sorry, I've got to go now." Jack got out of the inn.

    "Please." a skinny girl begged with tears.
    "I don't have mercy on you," a fat man said angrily, then he slapped her.
    "..." she cried.
   "I bought you to fuck me when I need. You are my slut, " a man slapped her once again.
    "Please sir," she deeply cried. "I know, but now I'm sick, unwell, so I can't have sex with you."
    The man hit her and said furiously, "I need it now. It's my order."
  This man ripped up her clothes and tried to rape her, but suddenly, Jack appeared.
    "Leave her," Jack said.
    "I said let her go."
 "Who are you, asshole?" a fat man said vulgarly.
    Jack didn't reply, but he said to the girl. "Go!"
    The girl hesitated to go. Jack kept talking loudly, "I said go and run away, now."
    "Thank you, sir," she said and ran away.
   "It's not your own business." the fat man said angrily and beat Jack with a right hand.
    "My business is everywhere," Jack replied and beat him back. Then he held his sword point to the face of the fat man. A man held his sword and pointed to Jack as well. 
    "Fuck off," Jack said. " if you don't want to die."
    The man didn't reply, and he immediately pulled out his sword and attacked Jack. Unfortunately, before the scrawny man noticed it, his right hand was already cut down.
    "My hand." a man shouted.
    "I warned you," Jack warned him. "If you do this to the women, your head will drop of your neck like a head of a monster."
    The scrawny man ran away with weep.
    "The sword! the sword." another man ran and yelled. It seems like he was afraid when he saw a sword. 
    Suddenly, a mysterious woman appeared, she held her sword point to neck's Jack.
    "How did you get this sword?" she asked.
    "Who are you?" Jack asked back.
    "I'm asking you; how did you get this sword?"
    "From the ancient temple," he answered.
    A woman dropped her sword and said strongly. "Follow me." then she pulled him to another place.
    Jack and the mysterious woman sat face to face in a house.
    "Did you know why is the sword stand on the stone?" she asked softly.
    "No, I didn't." he pondered.
    A woman took a deep breath. "This sword is the weapon that keeps us safe."
    "What?" he surprised. "Why did I never know about it?"
    "Why?" she laughed softly. "You will have troubles for what you did."
    At once, there were a few men who stood behind Jack's back. They were the village guards.
    "It's him, sir." one of them said.
    "The monster killer." a village chief said. "You are under arrest."
    "What? wait."
    "Sentries." a village head ordered. "Take him."
  The guards of the village took him to another house that is the main office of the village headman.
    "Knees." a guard said, yet Jack was standing. "I said knees." then Jack kneed.
    "What's your name, monster killer?" a village chief asked.
    "I'm Jack," he answered.
    "Jack, why did you steal this sword?"
    "Steal? What do you mean? I got this sword from the ancient temple in the jungle."
    "That's what I mean. This sword stood there to protect us safe."
    "I'm sorry, but I didn't know," Jack explained.
   "You didn't know?" a village chief said angrily. "This sword protected us from the eyes of the dragon, and now you stole it out. My people will die because of you."
    "Dragon." he shocked. "No!"
  "Guards." a village chief commanded. "Take him to the prison until the day of execution."
    The guards took him to the jail. 

    A day later. the dragon came out, it flew on the sky by direction to the village. Jack saw it from the window of the jail. He was very horrifying because the people in this village will die, but if he was released from this place, he could fight with the dragon and kill it.
    "Hey!" he yelled. "Let me out of here. The dragon is coming." No one cared for him. "No, no. Hey! The Dragon is coming. You will die, so let me out of here. Come on. Shit!" he tried his best, yet nobody cared.

   "The dragon! the dragon!" one of the villagers screamed. "The dragon is coming. Protect yourself."

Don't forget to listen to this sound.
