I was reading a fantasy fiction: The Dragon Hunter, while it was raining. It was very enjoyable to hear the sound of the rain and read a book at the same time. I had one thing to tell you that the absolutely beautiful face Emily always appeared in my books. She made me crazy all the time. A few minutes later, the rain stopped. I put the book back on my bookshelf, and then, I opened my computer.
“Click! Click!” I googled the Khmer empire to get to know more about it. I was very excited when I was reading about Angkor Wat. I had a big dream that I wanted to time travel to the ancient past of the Khmer empire, but a question appeared on my brain: Is time travel real? I’m not really, but according to what Emily said, the magical book was real, I think. I kept up google the Khmer empire, and suddenly I saw a blog site of Emily. I was so surprised, for she had a blog. I clicked on the link, and the latest blog titled: I was doing the research about Khmer Civilization and Maya Civilization. Last week, I figured out Khmer and Maya has a similar civilization such as temple style, landscape, settlement pattern, parallel collapse, and so on. It was very fascinating, and It was really mysterious. I really enjoyed to find out more. This blog included a piece of paper titled: The Khmer settlement pattern: A possible analogy with that of the Maya, was published by Society for American Archaeology in April 1957, and another picture portrayed of Koh Ker Temple, Cambodia and Pyramid of the Niches, Mexico. Both Koh Ker Temple and Pyramid of the Niches are very, very similar. It made my curious mind want to know it more.
“Dickey,” someone called me. It’s Gary, my friend. “Come on, dude.”
“A moment, please,” I replied. “I’m coming.” I closed my computer, then I got out of my house. Gay and Emily were waiting for me in front of my house near the road.
“Why did you play for time?” Emily asked. “We called you almost ten times.”
“Ten times?” I was surprised. “But I didn’t hear anything at all.”
“Oh, for God’s sake.”
“Okay, I am sorry for making you wait a few time. Shall we go now?” After I said, Emily didn’t say anything to me because she was mad at me. Then, we started a journey to the national library by bicycle. Emily was cycling with the headphones on her head. My face was smiled randomly while I was looking at her. She was the cutest though she was mad.
“Ring! Ring!” someone phoned me.
“Just a moment,” I said. “I got a phone call.” Emil and Gay stopped the bike.
“Hello…Okay…I got it. Thank you very much.”
“Who did call you?” Gay asked me.
“Mr. Steve called me, and we need to go to his office at school.”
“What’s going on?” Emily asked.
“He found a person who did a weird thing to me yesterday. Let’s go.”
A few minutes later, we arrived at the school. We walked toward Mr. Steve’s office.
“Hello, Mr. John,” he greeted me. “I found a person who did to you yesterday. His name is Tony, and he is a student from another school. But…”
“But what?”
Mr. Steve took a deep breath, “He was died.”
“What? How? When? Where?”
“Today at his own room, and the polices were recognizing about his death. I will tell you later.”
“May I see his photo, please?” Mr. Steve handed me a photo, then I came out of his office. I told Gay and Emily about this, and they were shocked. It was an unbelievable and impossible thing that happened. It could have a story behind the death of Tony.
©Sahil Mathur (Art Station)
We approached the national library. It was quite big, and there were many, many books in here. I smelled the book while I was walking in. We decided to find a magical book individually. A few minutes later, I couldn’t find it even I tried my best, yet I didn’t know where it is. I was so tired, and I relaxed near the bookshelf. “Dick,” Gay asked me. “Did you find the book?”
“No, I didn’t,” I answered. “What about you?”
“So did I.”
“Guys,” Emily asked us. “Did you find something?”
“Emily,” Gay asked her. “Are you sure there is a magical book in here?”
“Yes, of course, I am,” she answered. “I read a diary of bookkeeper, was written in Old Khmer and Sanskrit. It said that a magical book is in here.”
“What if,” Gay said, “someone took it away?”
“Fair enough,” she replied, “but not really.”
“Perhaps, it’s in somewhere here,” I said. Then, we relaxed together, and a few minutes later, I saw something had dropped from the ceiling of the library.
“Watch out!” I pushed Emily out, and I was on her body. A very thick book, that dropped from the ceiling hit my head.
“Are you okay?” Emily asked me. We faced each other, and I had butterflies in the stomach. Something very special that I couldn’t describe. The world was the most beautiful.
“Yes, I’m fine.” The absolutely golden bright appeared accidentally from that book. I was sure that is a magical book that we were finding.
“Dick,” Gay yelled, “look at that book. It’s golden bright.”
“Yes, I see.”
“It’s a magical book,” Emily said smiley. “Finally, we found it.” I walked towards the magical book and opened it.
“Don’t open it!” Emily shouted, but It’s too late. When I opened the book, the golden bright was stronger, and it pulled me in as well as Gay and Emily. I felt like in the black hole and time travel. Everything was very amazing, yet I didn’t know where it took us to. The magical book took us somewhere, the jungle because there around us were the trees, big trees.
“Where are we right now?” I asked.
“I don’t know,” Emily answered. “Now, we are in the forest.”
We continued to step, but a few men appeared at the same time and pointed the spear at us.
“Who are you?” one of them asked.
“We’re not your enemies,” Emily answered.
“Should I trust you? Your clothes are very different from our people.”
“We just came here accidentally,” I explained.
“Take them.” one of them commanded to others to arrest us. They seized us to somewhere that I didn’t know. We walked across the waterfall, trees, and mountain. This place was very, very beautiful. It looked like a haven.
“Excuse me,” I asked them, “May I asked you a question?”
“Where are we?”
“Now, you arrive. Welcome to the land of the Khmer empire, rules by King Suryavarman II.”
Coming soon...
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