How to write a fiction

    There are no right ways to write fiction, but I will share with you how to write fiction based on my experience. First, you have to set the characters of your story and build their characteristics. When you are working on characters, you need to think about: ‘What type of characters that you want to portray in your story? Human or animal?  Monster or evil? God or Deming-god? Who is the main character and supporting character or bad character?  What are the personalities of your characters?’  Second, you must create a great story outline. The best story outline is your reader cannot guess how your story ends unless they read your story until the end. Besides, the plot twists are very important in your story outline as well; therefore, please do not forget to include them. After that, you have to write your story in detail. When you are writing, you will be able to add more plots because your ideas based on your creativity will come along the way, so enjoy your writing until you finish your fiction. The last one, after you finish your writing, you must proofread it to make sure that your fiction will not have any mistakes such as misspelling, grammatical errors and wrong storylines. Now, you have a manuscript of your fiction, and by making yourself famous, you should share it with your friends or submit your manuscript to a publisher to publish your fiction as a book.
