The Way of Men – Notes

    The Way of Men is a book about men and masculinity. Strength, Courage, Mastery and Honour are the essentials of masculinity. Be 'Good at Being a Man' better than 'Being a Good Man.'

Here are my notes from this book:

- High testosterone men take more risks and seek more thrills. Men are more interested in competing for status, and when they win, their bodies give them a dopamine high and more testosterone.

- Mastery is a man’s desire and ability to cultivate and demonstrate proficiency and expertise in technics that aid in the exertion of will over himself, over nature, over women, and over other men.

- Men have always had a role apart, and they still judge one another according to the demands of that role as a guardian in a gang struggling for survival against encroaching doom.

- Honor is a man’s reputation for strength, courage and mastery within the context of an honour group comprised primarily of other men.

- Epics and action movies translate well because they appeal to something basic to the male condition—a desire to struggle and win, to fight for something, to fight for survival, to demonstrate your worthiness to other men

- Because masculinity and honour are by nature hierarchical, all men are in some way deficient in masculinity compared to a higher status man. There is always a higher status man, if not in your group, then in another, and if not in this way then in that way, and if not now, then eventually. No one is the strongest, most courageous and the smartest or most masterful man—though some men are closer to the ideal or perfect “form” of masculinity than others.

- It is not the strongest man who will necessarily lead, it is the man who takes the lead who will lead.

- A man who is more concerned with being a good man than being good at being a man makes a very well-behaved slave.

- It is good to be honest, just, and kind, but these virtues don’t have much specifically to do with being a man. Manliness can’t merely be synonymous with “good behaviour.

- Men want to be remembered, they want their tradition to survive, and they want sex. Ultimately, these psychological mechanisms and desires will allow them to pass on their genes. -
